Get the help you’re looking for with heroin detox in the Salt Lake City area of Utah. At Nexstep Medical Detox in Orem, we understand the challenges you face and are here to help you take the first crucial step towards recovery: medically-supervised heroin detox.
Why Choose Medically-Supervised Heroin Detox?
According to the National Institute On Drug Abuse, medically-supervised detox is the first step in a successful heroin addiction treatment program. Withdrawing from heroin can be intense. Cravings, pain, and continued access to the drug are some of the biggest reasons for relapse.
Our caring staff has a thorough understanding of heroin addiction and will monitor and manage your withdrawal symptoms in a safe, comfortable environment.
Our Compassionate Heroin Detox Treatment
- Thorough medical history review and exam during intake.
- Custom treatment plans that address other addictions, mental health, and physical conditions.
- Daily doctor visits, 24/7 nurse availability, and consistent, caring staff attention.
- Comfort medications to manage your worst symptoms and help you feel better.
- Tapering and medication-assisted weaning (MAT) during treatment.
- Smooth transition into counseling, rehab, and sober living.
Is It Painful To Quit Heroin?
While withdrawal can be uncomfortable, our medically-supervised heroin detox center provides comfort medications and around-the-clock care to manage your symptoms and make the process as comfortable as possible.
Other Common Symptoms Of Heroin Withdrawal
Heroin is also known by names like smack, H, tar, junk, mud, dragon, dope, white, black, brown, Mexican brown, snow, scat, and skunk. This illegal opioid drug can cause increased sensitivity and pain during withdrawal.
- Nausea & vomiting
- Abdominal cramps
- Muscle aches
- Dilated pupils
- Anxiety
- Agitation
- Insomnia
- Sweating
- Diarrhea
Don’t Let Fear Keep You Addicted
According to American Addiction Centers, fear of withdrawal symptoms can lead to overdose or self-medication with alcohol and other drugs, causing serious complications. Our medically-supervised heroin detox program provides constant, professional care with individualized treatment options for your comfort.
How Long Does Heroin Detox Take?
The length of a private heroin detox program varies depending on factors such as the severity and duration of addiction, but typically lasts between 5 and 7 days. We understand that you have unique needs and circumstances. Our medical professionals will assess your individual needs and create a customized treatment plan.
Continued Support After Detox
After completing heroin detox, we support you with a smooth transition into counseling, rehab, and sober living. Detox is the first step in a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of heroin addiction treatment.
Recognizing Signs & Symptoms Of Heroin Addiction
Heroin addiction can have a devastating impact on both the addict and their loved ones. Knowing the signs and symptoms of heroin addiction is crucial for getting your loved one the help they need. If you suspect that someone close to you is struggling with heroin addiction, look for these common indicators.
Physical Signs Of Addiction
- Constricted Or “Pinpoint” Pupils
- Sudden Weight Loss
- Bruises Or Scabs From Needle Use
- Excessive Drowsiness Or Nodding Off
- Slurred Speech
- Runny Nose Or Constant Sniffling
Behavioral Changes In Addicts
- Secretive Or Deceptive Behavior
- Withdrawal From Family And Friends
- Loss Of Interest In Hobbies Or Activities
- Neglecting Responsibilities At Work Or School
- Financial Difficulties Or Borrowing Money
- Mood Swings And Irritability
Common Drug Paraphernalia
- Presence Of Needles, Syringes, Or Burnt Spoons
- Small Plastic Bags Or Foil With Residue
- Rubber Tubing Or Shoelaces (Used As Tourniquets)
- Missing Shoelaces Or Belts (Used As Tourniquets)
How To Help A Friend Or Family Member
If you notice these signs and symptoms in your loved one, it’s essential to approach them with compassion and understanding. Encourage them to seek professional help, such as a medically-supervised heroin detox program, to begin their journey towards recovery. Remember, substance use disorder is a disease, and your loved one needs support to overcome it.
Detox From Heroin Addiction In Utah
Don’t let fear of withdrawals keep you from taking the first step towards a healthier, more fulfilling life. When you’re ready to get clean, let us help you avoid heroin relapse, manage withdrawal symptoms, and transition smoothly into your next chosen step on the road to recovery.
At Nexstep Medical Detox, we’re here to help you safely and comfortably detox from heroin in Utah, so you can begin your journey to wellness and sobriety. Contact us today to speak to an admissions specialist.