Typical household aerosols and solvents may seem harmless, but for those that inhale them to get high, they can lead to serious health consequences or even death. If you or someone you love is suffering from an addiction to inhalants in Utah, Nexstep Medical Detox can help. Located near Salt Lake City, our team of caring medical professionals can help you quit more safely and comfortably.
Inhalant Addiction Explained
Inhalants are any legal or illegal substance that people sniff or huff to get high. Many can be found easily in the home and are extremely dangerous when inhaled. Generally speaking, these are highly flammable substances that will vaporize at room temperature. Many of them work because they contain nitrous oxide (also known as “laughing gas”) or other intoxicating chemicals.
Commonly Abused Inhalants Include:
- Whipped Cream Cans (“Whippets”)
- Air Fresheners
- Cleaning Supplies
- Permanent Markers
- Paint Thinners
- Glue
- Nail Polish Remover
- Propane, Butane, Gasoline, & Diesel
- Nitrous Oxide (“Laughing Gas”)
Who Is Susceptible To Inhalant Addiction?
Inhalant abuse is often thought of as a problem that only affects teenage delinquents and curious schoolchildren, but it can affect people of all ages. Many inhalants are easily accessible without a prescription and are relatively inexpensive, making them appealing to people of all socioeconomic backgrounds looking for an instant “high.”
The Dangers Of “Huffing”
Since many of these products are legally available without a prescription, they might seem relatively harmless to sniff or huff. However, this is far from true—they can cause short-term health emergencies by causing your oxygen levels to abruptly drop, and many of them also contain hazardous chemicals that lead to serious long-term side effects, such as:
- Neuropathy
- Hearing & Vision Loss
- Long-Term Heart, Lung, & Kidney Damage
- Bone Marrow Damage
- Sudden Heart Failure
- Brain Damage
- Coma
- Paralysis
- Death
Inhalant Withdrawal Symptoms
Long-term inhalant use can result in both physical and psychological dependency. Although withdrawal symptoms can last for up to two years, the most severe ones usually subside after one week of stopping the drug. Quitting cold turkey or trying to detox on your own can be difficult and dangerous due to the intensity of the cravings and withdrawal symptoms, which may include:
- Severe Headaches
- Nausea, Vomiting, & Abdominal Pain
- Excessive Sweating
- Insomnia
- Dizziness
- Tremors
- Agitation, Anxiety, & Depression
- Panic Attacks
- Psychosis (In Rare Cases)
Get Help For Inhalant Addiction Today
If you’re looking for inhalant detox centers in Utah, don’t wait to get help. Here at Nexstep Medical Detox, we have a medically supervised drug detox program that can help you safely and effectively quit. Our experienced and compassionate staff will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that meets your unique needs. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to begin the intake process.